Changes in Fair Pay and Equal Pay Laws

With recent changes in fair pay and equal pay laws it is so important for both employeees and small businesses to stay up to date.  One significant recent change in wage and hour law means many “salary” employees may either be suited for a promotion or eligible for overtime for the first time.  This change more than doubled the amount of compensation required in order to exempt salaried employees from overtime.  The final amounts were not settled until last May 2016.

Also, this year marks the seventh anniversary of the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.  Later this summer the EEOC is expected to present a revised version of a rule first published in January 2016. This rule concerns data collection of compensation information for certain employees to ensure that employers do not attempt to violate the law by keeping pay a secret.

These changes along with updates in pregnancy discrimination, collective bargaining and mandatory arbitration mean it is more important than ever to consult an attorney if you are not sure about any document an employer requests that you sign or agreement as to your compensation.  It is likewise important for businesses, especially new growing businesses to ensure compliance.

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